Planet Ryder - The Peter Ryder Website!

Planet Ryder - The Peter Ryder Website!
Welcome! Peter Ryder is various things. Professionally he has been an independent Historic Buildings Consultant, or Buildings Archaeologist, working primarily in the North East of England. He was born in Darlington and got his first degree (Geography/Geology Dual Hons) at Sheffield University in 1974, working for a while in Hull University (where he met Elaine, his wife) before returning to Sheffield to become Assistant Archaeologist with the South Yorkshire County Archaeology Service (1976-1984) during which time he obtained a Masters Degree in Archaeology, through a study of medieval cross slab grave covers in the county. Peter and Elaine, now with two young children (Aidan and Megan) then moved to Northumberland for him to work for two years on the National Resurvey of Buildings of Architectural and Historic Interest; they took up residence in Riding Mill on the banks of the Tyne sixteen miles west of Newcastle. In 2018 Elaine was ordained as a priest in the Church of England and they moved to Otterburn, then when she retired in 2022 they went north to Burntisland in Fife (to be near grandson Ezra) where they reside today in a bungalow nestling beneath an ancient volcanic neck, along with two cats, Clemency and Charity.
Since 1987 Peter has been self-employed, and has got to know an awful lot of interesting old buildingsā¦. He does other things as well; since the mid 1960s he has been a member of the Moldywarps Speleological Group, and knows various obscure corners of the British Isles from underneath as well as from the surface.
He is also a singer/songwriter, appreciated by a select minority, and is, with Elaine, involved in local Episcopalian church life; and is a Reader. The Ryders also like travelling to interesting places, and you will find illustrated travelogues on this website chronicling some of these trips.
To contact Pete about work please:
Tel: (01434) 682644